Raising Money as an Introvert
Participating in startup events and meeting with investors is tough work. And even more so if you happen to be an introvert. In this blog post, Iryna Krepchuk shares her tips to founders on how to raise money as an introvert. When it comes to fundraising, founders can adopt different strategies to reach investors. Naturally, people with extroverted personalities may be more visible and easier to find, but that does not necessarily mean that they’ll be more successful at fundraising. At the end of the day, fundraising is about building trust and meaningful relationships, and introverts often excel at that.
How to Get Noticed by VCs – 3 Tips for Founders
In this blog post, Iryna Krepchuk shares three tips for founders on how to get noticed by investors. Before I get into the chances of getting an investment, let me talk about your chances of even getting noticed (especially if you are at a very early stage). When I was applying for a job at a VC, I spent a while knocking on every door without understanding why I might be a fit for that particular fund. Now, I see similar behavior from startup founders who spend little time figuring out whether or not they are the right fit for